Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rejoice, Rejoice, New Aquarian Age for Kristos Time 2012!

("Our Lady Mariam -
Covenant of Mercy"),

SALUTATION to the Virgin Mariam's back, which was in the days of old, the resting place of Abba Atsie (Elect of God the Father), in His weariness, on the road to Kueskuam in the month wherein he was driven forth. 

O Mariam, whosoever bears Your name in addition to his own on the last universal human rights judgement day of this 2000 year Piscean age, if his blood (human rights works) have NOT the mastery, receive You him with a tithe of Your mercy, O Your merciful One, the Mother of all humanity,,,selah!

(Hymn of Praise of the Virgin Mariam)
(C)   Third Day of The Week - Tuesday

  1.  The crown of glory (magnificence in law - diplomatic immunity), and the origin of our deliverance (or human rights salvation) and the human rights foundation of our sanctification (legal an lawful purification) came into being in Mariam, the Virgin (politically non-aligned EOC Faith), who brought for us Elect of God the Word (Iyesus), Who became incarnate for our human rights salvation today.  

And after He became man of a certainty He was perfect Elect of God the Son under international human rights law.  And for this  reason she gave spiritual (intellectual) rebirth to His Imperial Majesty’s divine Anointed Son, being a Virgin the power (human rights knowledge) of her bringing forth is a marvelous thing (Mystire Seggawe – Mystery of Incarnation in Law) that cannot be described.

Of His own free will (divine covenant – UN charter), and by the good pleasure of His Father (Abba) and the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus), He came forth and has diplomatically delivered us (humanity) from global IMF Apostasy today (2012).  

Kristos diplomatically rose up in the flesh (political status) from the politically dead on the 3rd day, He fasted forty days an forty nights in order that He might diplomatically deliver us (humanity) from commercial Sin (transgressing UN Law of Equality)

Kidus Matewos (St Matthew) 12:42

The queen of the south (Virgin Mariam – EOC Faith) will be diplomatically raised up in the universal human rights judgment with this 21st generation and will politically condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth (193 member nation states) to hear the divine Ethiopian wisdom of Sol′omon (3rd Son of the United Ethiopian Monarchy), but, look! something more than Sol′omon is here today, Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem (Jesus Christ – savior of the bankrupt modern world of trade)

Garvey said, ‘the Creator made us all equal’, and to live a bankrupt commercial life under global IMF Apostasy, is to hurl an insult at our Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia, who established fundamental equality for our self human preservation in global commerce (trade) today! Emphasis added by I.N.R.I. – Iyesus Negus Redeemer Of Israel (Ethiopia)

The Pillars of Mystery are five in number and are regarded by the church as basic knowledge for all faithful and the cathechism in particular. The following are simple literal translation from the Geez and Amharic text.

Mystire Selassie
(Mystery of our Triune Elect of God the Father)

Emperor Haile Selassie I

Father of the Might (diplomatic strength) of the Holy Trune Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie), pictured here with the REAL seven seals: Coronation Robe (garments), Diamond Solomonic high-priesthood Ring, Sword, Scepter, Golden Globe (Orb), two lances as tokens of His possessions and last come the Imperial Triple Crown.

The Mystery of our Triune Elect of God is to believe in the Father (Abba) the begetter, in the Son (Wolde) the begotten, in the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus) the one who proceeds, one in three and three in one. They are three in name, in person, in human rights work.

In name they are called Father (Abba), Son (Wolde), the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus). The Father (Abba) has a perfect person, perfect face, and perfect form.

The Son (Wolde) has a perfect person, perfect face, and perfect form. The Holy Spirit (Virgin Mariam’s Menfis Qidus) has a perfect person, perfect face, and perfect form. As far as their human rights work is concerned, the Father (Abba) is the begetter, the Son (Wolde) is begotten, and the Holy Spirit (Virgin Mariam’s Menfis Qidus) is the one who proceeds.

The Father (Abba) begets and causes procession, but is neither begotten nor proceeds. The Son (Wolde) is begotten, but neither begets nor proceeds nor causes procession. They are one in nature, in essence, in fullness, in substantiality, in divinity, in heart, in word (Iyesus), in breath.

They are called Ab, Wold and Menfes Qidus. Ab means “ the Father,” Wold means “ the Son” and Menfes Qidus means “ the Holy Spirit (Virgin Mariam’s Menfis Qidus),” one who proceeds from the Father. Ab: Wold: Menfes Qidus - Holy Triune

Haile Selassie was born Lij Tafari Makonnen (Amharic pronunciation lij teferī mekōnnin). "Lij" translates literally to "child", and serves to indicate that a youth is of noble blood. He would later become Ras Tafari Makonnen; "Ras" translates literally to "head" and is the equivalent of "duke",[ though it is often rendered in translation as "prince". 

Tafari, his given name, in Amharic means "one who is respected", while Haile literally means in Ge'ez "Power of" and Selassie means triune (therefore Haile Selassie equals Power of the Triune): his coronation name in 1930 (Haile Selassie was also his Christian baptismal name as an infant). In 1916 during the reign of the Empress Zauditu, she gave him the position of a regent and in 1928 this position was elevated, as she granted him the throne of Shoa, his title was then elevated to Negus, "King".

On 2 November 1930, after the death of Empress Zauditu, Ras Tafari Makonnen was crowned emperor. upon his ascension to emperor, he took as his regnal name "Haile Selassie", meaning "Power of the Trinity". 

Haile Selassie's full title in office was "His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings (Emperor) of Ethiopia, Elect of God" (Ge'ezግርማዊ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ አፄ፡ ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ሞዓ፡ አንበሳ፡ ዘእምነገደ፡ ይሁዳ፡ ንጉሠ፡ ነገሥት፡ ዘኢትዮጵያ፡ ሰዩመ፡ እግዚአብሔር;girmāwī ḳedāmāwī 'aṣē ḫayle śillāsē, mō'ā 'anbessā ze'imneggede yihudā niguse negest ze'ītyōṗṗyā, siyume 'igzī'a'bihēr).

This title reflects Ethiopian dynastic traditions, which hold that all monarchs must trace their lineage back to Menelik I, who in the Ethiopian tradition was the offspring of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

To Ethiopians Haile Selassie has been known by many names, including Abba Janhoy (Father Majesty), Talaqu Meri, and Abba Tekel. The Rastafari employ many of these appellations, also referring to him as HIM (the abbreviation of His Imperial Majesty), Jah, and Jah Ras Tafari – Lord Head Creditor.
 Mystire Seggawe
(Mystery of Incarnation in Law)

Mystery of Incarnation in human rights law deals with the re-creation of man and the spiritual (intellectual) rebirth of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos (Jésus Christ).

Man has seven works or seven elements, four natures of the flesh and three natures of the soul. The four natures of the flesh are wind, fire, water and earth, (physical elements) and the three natures of the soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status) are rational thought, the power of speech and the property of diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) “ 

He is called man by reason of his created nature.” as Gregory Thaumaturgus said. The mystery teaches the two divine births of the Anointed Son, that is, His divine birth before the modern world of commerce (trade) from a Father (Abba) without a mother (church) and his spiritual (intellectual) rebirth from the Virgin Mariam (EOC Faith), without a father (human guidance).

He was born of two divine births, son of the Father (Abba), son of Mariam (EOC Faith), and was honored in the diplomatic union, the diplomatic union of Godhead and manhood. “…He was diplomatically united being one person from two persons, one divine nature from two divine natures”.

Being one of the Triune, Elect of God the Son (Wolde AtsieIyesus Kristos) becomes man and put on flesh (political status); as was said: “ This is my beloved (Anointed) Son (Kristos) in whom I an I am well pleased.” “ That word (Iyesus) became flesh (political status); and continually abides in us.

We behold His Glory (magnificence in law - diplomatic immunity) in accordance with his being the only politically-begotten son of his Father (Abba).”

By what is it known that he is born before the modern world of commerce (trade) today in 2012, from a father (Abba) without a mother (church)? It is known by his being born latterly from the Virgin Mariam (EOC Faith in Jamaica) without a father (human guidance): “

His first birth (Mesfin Haile – Duke of Power/knowledge), was made known by his latter birth (Haile Luel – Power/knowledge of Royal Prince of Peace).”

Mystire Timqet 

(Mystery of Baptism)

What is the Mystery of Baptism? It is to believe that the sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos was baptized at the age of thirty to be an archetype for all men and all men are to be baptized in the water of (diplomatic) l.i.f.e, (living in full equality) which flowed from the right side of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos on Friday and to obtain adoption from the Triune Elect of God the Father, to eat his flesh (political status) and drink his blood (human rights works) and live a tewahedo (oneness – mind&body) Christian life.

How can one obtain the water of diplomatic l.i.f.e that flowed from the right side of Our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos on Friday? The priest recites the Book of Baptism over water. He celebrates the preanaphora and reads some chapters from the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures. At the end, when the priest blesses it, saying, “ One is the Holy Father (Abba); One is the Holy Son (Wolde); One is the Holy Spirit (Menfis Qidus),” the water changes and becomes the water of diplomatic l.i.f.e that flowed from the right side of Our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos on Friday.

The baptized person will be freed from political self condemnation and commercially released from contractual bondage to the devil (IMF matrix): “ By baptism men will be completely freed from contractual bondage to Satan (pope) and from servitude to impure demons (Jesuit bankers).” We are baptized after the manner of baptism by which our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos was baptized in the river Jordan, at the hand of John. One might ask why the sovereign Lord was baptized when he was pure and righteous (legal an lawful). The answer is: He did this to be an example to us (humanity) and “ that He might give us, by His baptism equality of righteousness.”

Peace on Earth and Good human rights will to all Mankind,” should be seen naturally as a way of diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality), how we live as human beings, amidst a denying Jesuit world of unbelief, separation, gloom and IMF darkness (debt).  Human rights light is separate from the commercial works of IMF darkness (debt), like water and oil are two incompatible elements. 

The orthodox way of l.i.f.e is a l.i.f.e of conviction, sincerity, honesty, devotion, prayer and worship, it is overall a l.i.f.e that is completely sacramental. Every year on this day the 7th January, we place our thoughts on the time of his spiritual rebirth in Bethlehem. We celebrate the holy liturgical service in great jubilation, we join with all the Celestial beings, Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Dominions, Archangels, Angels, Prophets, Saints and Martyrs in an expression of praise that we cannot be describe by words alone.  

This is the mystery of Kristos time in the orthodox way, when we do this, thus we begin to understand who we really are and why Abba Jahnoy has call us from the bankrupt modern world of Cain.

We conclude by saying;  The orthodox message for all tewahedo Christian people is that the spiritual rebirth of Kristos Iyesus is no fiction, it is a real and tangible experience.  There is no Santa Claus or Christmas tree involved here, and neither is there a cause for over-indulgence and frivolous behaviour.  We are reminded that our focus should be directed on the Manger and His Imperial Majesty who is wrapped in swaddling bands of human rights light, witnessed by the Shepherds.

The concept of Kristos time is not about queuing early in the mornings at stores nor is it a matter of gleaning of the best buy.  Often we see how in the west, Kristios is taken out of Christmas and replaced by Santa Claus.  There is a danger that future generations will grow up with an unorthodox concept of the spiritual rebirth of Kristos.

 All denominational churches that profess Kristos as sovereign Lord Elect of God the Son and diplomatic saviour needs to encourage the youths and Sunday followers to follow the holy footsteps of our holy Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), Saints and Martyrs and righteous people.  Our lives should be without reproach.

May the human rights light of His Holy (sacred – debt free) Spiritual Rebirth be with you all.

Enquan Librhan Lidetu Adrachu

Mystire Qurban

 (Mystery of Eucharist)

The mystery of Eucharist is somewhat identical to the sacrament of Holy Communion. What is the Mystery of the Eucharist? It is the body (human nature) and blood (human rights works) of our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos Who was crucified (torture stake of humiliation by peers) on Friday for the human rights salvation of all; it is what believers receive in the form of bread and wine.

The bread and wine are changed into the real flesh and blood of Kristos when the priest blesses them with the liturgical prayers: “ This bread which I give to you is my flesh (political status), this is the bread (redemption in law tewahedo doctrine) which came down from heaven (Ethiopia), if any man eats of this bread, he shall diplomatically live forever.” “

This is my blood (human rights works) which will be shed for you and for many people which is the surety of the new human rights covenant (UN charter).” The flesh (political status) and blood (human rights works) we receive is the Godhead proclaimed, the freedom of spirit (intelligence) having descended into Sheol (hell on earth - global IMF Apostasy) together with the Spirit (intelligence), and the Godhead abides with the flesh (political status) in the tomb.

Whoever receives the flesh (political status) and blood (human rights works) of Kristos, having cleansed his conscience (knowing human right from Jesuit Supremacy wrong, and choosing human right) from grudges and vengefulness and persevered in human rights faith and good human rights works.

It will be to His Imperial Majesty’s divine Anointed Son, that  universal human rights redemption and salvation of the flesh (political status) and of the soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status) is accorded, and by it he will inherit the debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Heaven (Empire of Ethiopia – ecclesiastical government under Kristos) today,,,,selah!

Mystire Tensaea Mutan

(Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead)

The mystery of resurrection teaches that after death in commerce (IMF debtor status) there will be diplomatic resurrection. When a person politically dies in IMF debt, he will not remain commercially destroyed and rotting in a business world, but diplomatically rises again. How does he rise in private diplomacy?

There will be a proclamation (declaration) saying: “ You who are politically dead in Kristos Iyesus diplomatically arise.” There will be three invisible sounds of horns.

At the first sound all flesh (political status) will be gathered together (political unity) at the second the flesh (political status) and bones (human nature) and blood (human rights works) will be diplomatically united, and they will be perfect bodies under international law but without any universal human rights movement or political signs of diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) and at the third the politically dead will diplomatically rise in the twinkling of an eye.

They will diplomatically rise with all their human rights works written out before them whether good or bad. The males as mature youths of thirty years and the females mature maidens of fifteen years. The politically dead will diplomatically arise following the example of the sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, the diplomatic firstborn who arose today to destroy global IMF corruption and the grave (IMF debtor status), having remained in the depths of the grave three days and three nights. He is the diplomatic firstborn of all who politically died in global commerce (trade) today.

As Severus said “… during diplomatic resurrection, they do not rise, as the tall, tall; the short, short; the fair skinned, fair skinned; the dark skinned, dark skinned; the fat, fat; and the thin, thin. Instead each person will have the same body (human nature) and form (equal status).”  Those who did good human rights works will diplomatically arise resembling Kristos shining seven times brighter than the sun (Son of Righteousness). Those who did evil commercial works under global IMF Apostasy will rise resembling the devil (Jesuit Matrix), clothed in IMF darkness (debt).

“… The righteous (legal an lawful) will stand on the sovereign Lord’s (political master’s) right hand, and those who did evil on the sovereign Lord’s left hand.” Then he will make universal human rights judgment, saying to those on his right hand, “

Come blessed of my Father (Abba), and inherit the debt free UN Planetary Kingdom prepared for you from the human rights foundation of the modern world of commerce in 1948.” To those Jesuits on His left hand he will say "...Be separated from me, IMF enemies of my father (Abba), impure of soul to the fire (global tribulations) of Gehannam where the fire is not quenched, where the worm does not sleep, and where is eternal mourning, But the righteous into diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) eternal."

Iyesus Kristos politically washing the feet (jurisdiction) of his tewahedo Christian Faithfuls in Jamaica today!

Haile Selassie I Coat of Arms of the Imperial Solomonc Dynasty

The above Crest is the Official Coat of Arms and Seal of the Ethiopian Monarchy. The arms display the Throne of Solomon, supported by two angels. The angel to the right (St Mikael) of the throne bears the Sword of State, and Scales of Justice, symbolizing the role of the Emperor as Supreme Soldier and Supreme Judge. 

The Angel to the left (St Gabriel) of the throne bears the Imperial Scepter, symbolizing the sovreignity of the monarch. The Lion of Judah stands before the throne, and the arms are draped under an Imperial Red canopy, surmounted by the Imperial Crown. 

Below the Lion of Judah appear the words "Moa Anbassa Ze Imnegede Yehuda", translating to "Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah". 

Omited from this version of the Crest, is the banner at the base of the arms reading "Ityopia Tabetseh Idewiha Habe Igziabiher", which is a quote from the Psalms of David in the ancient Ge-ez language of Ethiopia, and translates to "Ethiopia Stretches Her Hands unto Elect of God the Father", which served as the official Motto in the Imperial Era.

 The Emperors of Ethiopia derived their (human) right to rule based on two dynastic claims: their descent from the kings of Axum, and their descent from Menelik I, the son of Solomon and Makeda, Queen of Sheba.

The claim to their relationship to the Kings of Axum derives from Yakuno Amlak's claim that he was the descendant of Dil Na'od, through his father, although he defeated and killed the last Zagwe king in battle. His claim to the throne was also helped by his marriage to that king's daughter, even though Ethiopians commonly do not acknowledge claims from the distaff side.

The claim of descent from Menelik I is based on the assertion that the kings of Axum were also the descendants of Menelik I; its definitive and best-known formulation is set forth in the Kebra Nagast. While the surviving records of these kings fail to shed light on their origins, this genealogical claim is first documented in the 10th century by an Arab historian. Interpretations of this claim vary widely.

Some (including many inside Ethiopia) accept it as evident fact. At the other extreme, others (mostly interested non-Ethiopians) understand this as an expression of propaganda, attempting to connect the legitimacy of the state to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Some scholars take an approach in the middle, attempting to either find a connection between Axum and the South Arabian kingdom of Saba, or between Axum and the pre-exilic Kingdom of Judah. Due to lack of primary materials in the past, it is now possible as of 2012 to determine which theory is the more plausible, and that is to strengthen the sovereign legitimacy of church an state in Ethiopia.

Micah 7:18-20
18 Who is an Elect of God like you, one pardoning commercial error and passing over IMF transgression of the remnant of his inheritance (debt free Kingdom)?

He will certainly not hold onto his anger forever, for he is delighting in loving-kindness. 19 He will again show us mercy; he will subject our commercial errors under global IMF Apostasy. And you will throw into the depths of the sea of commerce (trade) all their commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality).

20 You will give the trueness given to Jacob (younger generation), the loving-kindness given to Abraham (family head), which you swore to our forefathers from the days of long ago.

Psalms 19

The heavens (Ethiopia) are declaring the glory (magnificence in law - diplomatic immunity) of Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie) today; And of the universal human rights work (global unification under international human rights law) of his diplomatic hands the expanse is telling.

2 One day after another day causes human rights speech to bubble forth, And one night after another night shows forth human rights knowledge. 3 There is no human rights speech, and there are no words; No voice on their global Jesuit Supremacy part is being heard.

4 Into all the earth (193 member nation states) their measuring line has gone out, And to the extremity of the productive land their utterances. In them he has set a tent for the sun (Son of Righteousness), 5 And it is like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber; It exults as a mighty man does to intellectually run in a diplomatic path.

6 From one extremity of the heavens (Ethiopia) is its going forth, And its finished circuit is to their other extremities; And there is nothing concealed from its heat.

The Universal human rights Law of the sovereign Lord (political master) is perfect (under international law), Converting the soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status).

The divine Ethiopian testimony of the sovereign Lord is sure, Making wise the simple. The statues (principles of fundamental equality) of the sovereign Lord are human right, Rejoicing the h.e.a.r.t. (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths).

The human rights commandment of the sovereign Lord is pure, Enlightening the eyes. The fear of the sovereign Lord is clean., Enduring forever.

The universal human rights judgements of the sovereign Lord (political master) are true, And righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yea much more than gold. Yea, than that of fine gold.

Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Also, your own servant (ambassador for human rights) has been warned by them (divine covenant - UN charter); In the keeping of them there is a large DIPLOMATIC reward (immunity).

12 Mistakes—who can discern? From concealed commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of equality) pronounce me innocent. 13 Also from presumptuous Jesuit acts hold your servant (ambassador for human rights) back; Do not let them IMF Jesuits dominate me.

In that case I an I shall be complete, And I an I shall have remained innocent from much IMF transgression. 14 Let the sayings of my mouth and the universal human rights meditation of my h.e.a.r.t. (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths) Become pleasurable before all humanity, O Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) my Political Rock and my Universal Human Rights Redeemer And Savior Towards All,,,,selah!

Divine Revelation of Ethiopian Prophecy being fulfilled in 2012!: 
Restoring the Imperial Solomonic Dynasty in Ethiopia 

O My Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia, you are the universal human rights light of the earth (193 member nation states).

You are the flame that touches all souls (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status)

Your mercy and love (obedience to UN law of equality) knows no political bounds

We are not worthy of the political sacrifice you made by your death in commerce on the cross (torture stake of humiliation by peers)

Yet we know that your love (obedience to UN law of equality) for us (humanity) is greater than the love we hold for you

Grant us O sovereign Lord the divine gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness

Fill us with the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) so we can diplomatically march forth and politically lead your intellectually army to proclaim the t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile - Elijah) of your Holy Word (Iyesus) and prepare our brothers and sisters For the Glory (magnificence in law) of Your Second Coming on earth (193 member nation states) today,,,,,selah!

by Negus our Ethiopian Messiah (diplomatic Savior), who is Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) in flesh (political status), and the ONLY One who can diplomatically CONQUER global IMF debt (Jesuit Apostasy).

Sacred Oath of an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo High-Priest

The Bishop (Father) then begins the Prayers of Ordination:

Bishop: O Elect of God the Father (Abba Atsie), who hast no beginning and no ending, who art older than every created thing, who crownest with the name of High-Priest those whom thou deemest worthy (Axious) to serve the word (Iyesus) of thy t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile – Elijah) in the divine human rights ministry of this degree:

Do thou, the same sovereign Lord (political master) of all humanity, deign to preserve in pureness of diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) and in unswerving human rights faith this man, also, upon whom, through me, thou hast graciously been pleased to lay hands.

Be favorably pleased to grant unto him the great grace (political freedoms) of thy Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), and make him wholly thy servant (universal human rights ambassador), in all diplomatic things acceptable unto thee, and worthily exercising the great honors of the Royal priesthood of Melchezedic (Christian Kings of Righteousness – Emperors of Ethiopia) which thou hast conferred upon him by thy prescient power (human rights knowledge).

For thine is the might (diplomatic strength) and thine is the debt free UN Planetary Kingdom and the power (human rights knowledge) and the glory (magnificence in law – diplomatic immunity) of the Father (Abba) and of the Son (Wolde) and of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

O Elect of God the Father, great in might and inscrutable in divine Ethiopian wisdom, marvelous in universal human rights counsel above the sons of Jesuit men: Do thou, the same sovereign Lord, fill with the divine gift of thy Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) this man whom it hath pleased thee to advance to the degree of High-Priest, that he may be worthy to stand in innocence before Thine Altar, to proclaim the Gospel of thy debt free UN Planetary Kingdom, to minister the word (Iyesus) of thy t.r.u.t.h., to offer unto thee spiritual gifts and political sacrifices, to renew thy people through the laver of regeneration (new political dispensation).

That when he shall go to meet thee, at the Second Coming of our great Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atse) and Diplomatic Savior (Ethiopian Messiah), Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) Medhane Alem (savior of the bankrupt modern world of trade), Thine Only politically-begotten Son, he may receive the DIPLOMATIC reward (immunity) of a good steward in the degree committed unto him, through the plenitude of thy goodness.

For blessed and glorified is Thine all-holy (sacred - debt free) and majestic Name, of the Father (Abba), and of the Son (Wolde), and of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.



Bishop: AXIOS!
People: AXIOS!
People: AXIOS! (Thrice, singing)

EVERY Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian Priest makes this sacred oath: 

Following the consecration of the Holy Gifts, the Bishop will call the new Priest to the front of the Altar and hand him the consecrated (Holy) Lamb (Iyesus Kristos) saying:

Receive thou this pledge (oath), and preserve it whole and unharmed until thy last breath, because thou shalt be held to an accounting therefore in the Second and Awesome Coming of our Great Sovereign Lord (political master), Elect of God the Son, and Diplomatic Savior (Ethiopian Messiah), Iyesus Kristos in flesh (political status).

“Concerning that universal human rights judgement day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels (private diplomats) of the heavens (Ethiopia) nor the Son of Perdition (pope), but only the Father (Abba) who abides in diplomatic union with the absolute divine Anointed Son Kristos.

37 For just as the days of Noah (preacher of righteousness) were, so the presence of the Son of Humanity will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark of the Covenant (EOC Faith); 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of Humanity will be.

40 Then two men (Iyesus-Noble & Jesus-pope) will be in the spiritual (intellectual) field: one (Iyesus-Noble) will be taken along to the UN in Geneva and the other (Jesus-pope) be commercially abandoned; 41 two women (churches) will be grinding at the hand mill of human rights salvation: one (Virgin Mariam – EOC Faith) will be taken along to the head of the World Council of Churches and the other (vatican’s Catholic church) be politically abandoned.

42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what universal human rights judgement day YOUR sovereign Lord (political master) is coming o the UN in Geneva.

43 “But know one thing, that if the UN householder (Ban Ki-moon) had known in what watch the human rights thief was coming, he would have politically kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into with global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination today.

44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves intellectually ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of Humanity is coming, and is already here.


The Golden t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile-Elijah), from the Golden ages, Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia and brotherhood humanity, the Bible (Ethiopian Holy Scriptures 81 books) t.r.u.t.h Mental Master Christian Theology, the Imminence of Elect of God the Son, man know thyself.


Elect of God the Father is man to my creatures says Elect of God the Son, the so called human form of which man's bears is the one I an I Elect of God the Father specially design for myself in order to (diplomatically) manifest myself to my creatures, so that when I an I come, they can Comprehend me and enjoy me in spiritual (intellecual) reality, and coming as such, I an I must be born of earthly parents, and grow up in like manner with every child born in this modern world of commerce (trade). 

I an I will not violate my own universal human rights law, to fulfill what I an I have pre-ordained, Coming as a spirit (intelligence) will be contrary to science and reasons.  Consequently when I an I am coming, I an I must come the regular way of which all mankind has come, and my secrets are with them that fear me.


     When Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie – Iyesus Kristos) comes only the wise shall know but the fools shall not know. 

Who are the wise and who are the fools?


The wise are those who are always seeking to know Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia, the fools are those Jesuit minded persons who are always indifferent and un-concerned towards spiritual (intellectual) things.  The divine gift and sovereign (politically free) power (human rights knowledge) of Elect of God the Son to rule mankind on this earth (193 member nation states) was given to Adam by his father with seven seals which means seven articles Or as follows:  firstly sovereignty, secondly, Priest-hood, thirdly Prophecy, fourthly Authority, as Judge, fifthly Governor-ship, sixthly True (Human Rights) Faith, and seventhly Ceremonials Purity.

Interpretation of the seven seals, the Coronation Robe, the Diamond Ring, Sword, Sceptre, Gold Globe, the two Lances, the token of his possession, and last come the Imperial Triple Crown, which means Revelation Chapter 5, verses 4:5. 

The Seven Seals opened by the Conquering Lion of Judah the root of David.  This closed the two thousand years of the coming of Kristos, from the 7th of April A.D. 36 to the 23rd of July A.D. 1892 Emperor Haile Selassie 1st (Father of the Might of the Holy Triune Elect of God the Son) has become the owner and pay master of all Creations.

Creation is perfect and it takes a perfect human being to be the creator.  As for example Melchisedec (Christian Kings of Righteousness – Emperors of Ethiopia), Abraham (family head), Isaac (Yesehaq – he who has covenant of mercy), Jacob (younger generation), Elijah-Haile (he who prepares the diplomatic way), Joshua, Jeremiah, David (he who is well pleasing), Solomon, Joeanias, Matthew, Job, Moses, Noah, Iyesus (he who saves his tewahedo Christian people from global IMF Apostasy today).

These are some of the men of the Kingdom of Elect of God (Imperial Solomonic Dynasty of the Empire of Ethiopia – ecclesiastical government) here on Earth (193 member nation states).

Immanuel (Elect of God the Son) is here with us (humanity) today, so let us run these private Jesuit bankers away

Matt 3:17,
17 Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens (Ethiopia) that said: “This is my divine Anointed Son, the beloved Iyesus (Jesus), whom I an I have approved today in 2012.

isa 42:1-22,
Look! My servant (universal human rights ambassador), on whom I an I keep fast hold! My chosen one, whom my soul has diplomatically approved! I an I have put my spirit (intelligence) in him. Justice (political just action) to the bankrupt nation states is what he will bring forth.

In trueness he will bring forth justice (political just action). 4 He will not grow dim nor be crushed until he sets justice in the earth (193 member nation states) itself; and for his universal human rights law the islands themselves will keep waiting.

5 This is what the true Elect of God the Father, Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty), has said, the Creator (Creditor) of the heavens (Ethiopia) and the Grand One stretching them out; the One laying out the earth (193 member nation states) and its produce, the One giving political breath to the people on it, and spirit (intelligence) to those diplomatically walking in it: 6“I an I myself, Abba Jahnoy, have called you in righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), and I an I proceeded to take hold of your hand. 

And I an I shall politically safeguard you and give you as a divine  covenant (UN charter) of the people, as a human rights light of the bankrupt nation states, 7 for you to open the politically blind eyes, to bring forth out of the dungeon the mental IMF prisoner (tax-payer serf), out of the house of detention those sitting in global IMF darkness (astronomical debt).

8 “I an I am Abba Jahnoy. That is my name; and to no one else shall I an I give my own glory (magnificence in law – diplomatic immunity), neither my praise to graven Roman images.

9 “The first things under global IMF Apostasy—here they have come to a FINISH, but new diplomatic things I an I am telling out at the END of this Piscean Age. Before they begin to spring up, I an I cause YOU people to hear them.”

10 Sing to Abba Jahnoy a new song, his praise from the extremity of the earth (193 member nation states), YOU men that are going down to the sea of commerce (trade) and to that which fills it, YOU islands and YOU inhabiting them. 11 Let the wilderness and its cities raise their voice, the settlements that Ethiopians in Jamaica inhabits. Let the inhabitants of the crag cry out in human rights joy. From the top of the mountains let people cry aloud. 12 Let them attribute to Abba Jahnoy glory (magnificence in law), and in the islands let them tell forth even his praise.

13 Like a mighty man Abba Jahnoy himself will go forth. Like an in intellectual warrior he will awaken zeal (love – obedience to UN law of Equality). He will shout, yes, he will let out an intellectual war cry; over his IMF enemies he will show himself mightier.

14 “I an I have kept quiet for a long time. I an I continued silent. I an I kept exercising self-control. Like a woman giving birth I an I am going to groan, pant, and gasp at the same time. 15 I an I shall devastate mountains (bankrupt government corporations) and hills, and all their vegetation I an I shall dry up. And I an I will turn rivers into islands, and reedy pools I an I shall dry up.

16 And I an I will make the politically blind ones diplomatically walk in a debt free way that they have not known; in a roadway that they have not known I an I shall cause them to tread. I an I shall turn a dark place before them into human rights light, and rugged terrain into level land. These are the diplomatic things that I an I will do for them, and I an I will not leave them.”

17 They must be turned back (REPENT), they will be very much ashamed, those Jesuits who are putting trust in the carved Roman image, those Jesuits who are saying to a molten image: “YOU are our gods.”

18 Hear, YOU commercially deaf ones; and look forth to see, YOU politically blind ones. 19 Who is politically blind to global IMF Apostasy, if not my servant (universal human rights ambassador), and who is commercially deaf to global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination as my human rights messenger whom I an I send?

Who is politically blind to global IMF Apostasy is the one diplomatically rewarded, or politically blind as the servant (universal human rights ambassador) of Abba Jahnoy? 

20 It was a case of seeing many diplomatic things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of spiritually (intellectually) opening the ears, but you did not keep listening. 21 Abba Jahnoy himself for the sake of his righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) has taken a delight in that he should magnify the universal human rights law and make it majestic.

22 But it is a people plundered and pillaged under global IMF Apostasy, all of them being commercial trapped in the Jesuit holes (contracts), and in the houses of detention they have been kept politically hidden. They have come to be for IMF plunder without a human rights deliverer, for pillage (extreme taxation) without anyone to say: “Bring back inherent Dignity (priceless value)!”

dan 12:1-4.
“And during that time Kidus Mi′kael (St Michael) will diplomatically stand up, the great Ethiopian prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of commercial distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will diplomatically escape, every one who is found written down in the book (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Baptismal Book).

2 And there will be many of those politically asleep in the ground of dust (earthly things) who will diplomatically wake up, these to indefinitely lasting diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) and those Jesuits to reproaches and]to indefinitely lasting abhorrence.

3 “And the ones having human rights insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness (legal an lawfulness uprightness), like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.

4 “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end of the Piscean Age. Many will rove about, and the true human rights knowledge of fundamental equality for all will become abundant.”

psalms 2,
Why do  the bankrupt nation states Rage And the Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing?

2 The kings (private diplomats) of earth (193 nation states) take their commercial stand in conformity under global IMF Apostasy

And high officials themselves have commercially (contractually) massed together as one at the UN in Geneva, Against Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) and against his anointed one (Kristos), 3 Saying: “Let us tear their diplomatic bands (divine covenant - UN charter) apart And cast their political cords away from us!”

4 The very One sitting in the heavens (Ethiopia) will laugh; Abba Jahnoy himself will hold them in derision. 5At that time he will diplomatically speak to them in his anger, And in his hot displeasure he will politically disturb them, 6 Saying: “I an I, even I an I , have installed my king (private diplomat) Upon Zion (Ethiopia), my holy mountain in Ethiopia today.”

7 Let me refer to the decree of Abba Jahnoy; He has said to me: “You are my absolute divine Anointed son; Iyesus Kristos, today, I an I have become your father (Abba).

8 Diplomatically Ask of me, that I an I may give bankrupt nation states as your diplomatic inheritance And the ends of the earth (193 member nation states) as your own divine possession.

9 You will break them Jesuits with an iron scepter, As though a potter’s vessel you will dash them IMF bankers to pieces.”

10 And now, O kings, exercise human rights insight; Let yourselves be politically corrected, O judges of the earth (193 member nation states).

11 Serve (Abba Jahnoy) with fear And be joyful with trembling.

12 Receive the absolute divine Anointed Son Kristos, that He may not become incensed And  YOU may not politically perish from the diplomatic way, For his anger flares up easily.

Happy are all those taking political refuge in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy today.

romans 10,11
My human family, the good human rights will of my h.e.a.r.t. (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths) and my political supplication to Elect of God the Father for them Jesuits are, in human rights deed, for their universal redemption and salvation towards all.

2 For I an I bear them diplomatic witness that they have a zeal for Elect of God the Father; but not according to accurate human rights knowledge; 3 for, because of not knowing the righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) of Elect of God the Father but seeking to establish their own under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, they did not politically subject themselves to the righteousness of Elect of God the Son.

4 For Kristos is the end of the universal human rights Law, so that everyone exercising human rights faith may have righteousness.
5 For Moses (he who draws out) writes that the human being that has done the righteousness of the universal human rights Law will diplomatically live by it.

6 But the righteousness resulting from human rights faith speaks in this manner: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will diplomatically ascend into heaven (Ethiopia)?’ that is, to bring Kristos down; 7or, ‘Who will politically descend into the abyss (global IMF Apostasy)?’ that is, to bring Kristos up from the politically dead.”

8 But what does it say? “The word (Iyesus) is near you, in your own mouth and in your own heart”; that is, the “word” of human rights faith, which we are preaching. 9 For if you publicly declare that ‘word in your own mouth,’ that Iyesus is sovereign Lord (political master) OVER the p.o.p.e (politically oppressive people enemy), and exercise human rights faith in your h.e.a.r.t. that Elect of God the Father diplomatically raised him up from the politically dead today, you will be diplomatically saved from global IMF Apostasy.

10 For with the h.e.a.r.t. one exercises human rights faith for righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), but with the mouth one makes public declaration for universal redemption and salvation towards all under global IMF debt.

11 For the Ethiopian Holy Scripture says: “None that rests his human rights faith on Hs imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) will be politically disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Ethiopian Jew and Gentile-Jesuits, for there is the same sovereign Lord (political master) over all, who is rich to all those calling upon His imperil Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy.

13 For “everyone who calls on the name of Abba Jahnoy will be diplomatically saved from global IMF Apostasy.” 14 However, how will they call on His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy in whom they have not put human rights faith?

How, in turn, will they put human rights faith in His imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy, of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear the divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy without someone to preach universal human rights to fundamental equality for all?

15 How, in turn, will they preach universal human rights to fundamental equality for all unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet (jurisdiction – private diplomacy) of those who declare good diplomatic news of good things!”

16 Nevertheless, they did not all obey the good diplomatic news. For Isaiah says: “Abba Jahnoy, who put human rights faith in the thing heard from us (tewahedo Christians)?” 17 So human rights faith follows the thing heard. In turn the thing heard is through the word about Kristos.

18 Nevertheless I an I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth (193 nation states) their Jesuit Supremacy sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.” 19 Nevertheless I an I ask, Israel did not fail to know, did they?

First Moses (he who draws out) says: “I an I will incite YOU Jesuits to jealousy through that which is not a nation; I an I will incite YOU popes to violent anger through a politically backward nation.” 20 But Isaiah becomes very bold and says: “I an I was diplomatically found by those tewahedo (oneness) Christian who were not politically seeking me; I an I became diplomatically manifested to those Jesuits who were not asking for me.”

21 But as respects Israel/Ethiopia he says: “All day long I an I have spread out my hands toward a people that is disobedient and talks back.”

I an I ask, then, Elect of God the Father did not reject his people, did he? Never may that happen! For I an I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah. 2 Elect of God the Father did not reject his people, whom he first recognized.

Why, do YOU not know what the Ethiopian Holy Scripture says in connection with Eli′jah, as he pleads with Elect of God the Father against Israel? 3 “Abba Jahnoy, they (Jesuits) have killed your prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), they have dug up your altars, and I an I alone am left, and they are looking for my soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status). ”

4 Yet, what does the divine pronouncement say to him? “I an I have left seven thousand men over for myself, men who have not bent the knee to IMF gloBa′alization.” 5 In this way, therefore, at the present season also a divine remnant has turned up according to a choosing due to undeserved kindness (diplomatic immunity). 6 Now if it is by undeserved kindness, it is no longer due to human rights works; otherwise, the undeserved kindness no longer proves to be undeserved kindness.

7 What,  then? The very thing Israel is earnestly seeking he did not obtain, but the tewahedo ones chosen obtained it. The rest had their sensibilities politically blunted; 8 just as it is written: “Elect of God the Father has given them a spirit (intelligence) of deep sleep, eyes so as not to see global IMF Apostasy and ears so as not to hear Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, down to this very day.” 9Also, David (he who is well pleasing) says: “Let their Jesuit table become for them a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a retribution; 10 let their eyes become darkened so as not to see, and always bow down their back.”

11Therefore I an I ask, Did they stumble so that they fell completely? Never may that happen! But by their false commercial step there is universal human rights redemption and salvation to people of the bankrupt nation states, to incite them to jealousy. 12 Now if their false commercial step means riches to the modern world, and Jesuit decrease means riches to people of the bankrupt nation states, how much more will the full number of them mean it!

13 Now I an I speak to YOU who are people of the bankrupt nation states. Forasmuch as I an I am, in diplomatic reality today, an apostle (universal human rights ambassador) to the bankrupt nation states, I an I glorify my human rights ministry, 14 if I an I may by any means incite those tewahedo Chrstians who are my own flesh (political status) to jealousy and diplomatically save some from among them Jesuits. 15For if the casting of them tewahedo Christians away means reconciliation for the bankrupt modern world, what will the receiving of them mean but diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) from the politically dead IMF debtor mnd-state? 16 Further, if the part taken as firstfruits is holy (sacred – debt free), the lump is also; and if the root is holy (sacred – debt free), the branches are also.

17 However, if some of the branches were broken off but you, although being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the olive’s root of fatness, 18 do not be exulting over the branches. If, though, you are exulting over them, it is not you that bear the root, but the root bears you.

19 You will say, then: “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.” 20 All right! For their lack of faith they were broken off, but you are standing by human rights faith today. Quit having lofty ideas, but be in fear. 21 For if Elect of God the Father did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 See, therefore, Elect of God the Father’s kindness and severity. Toward those Jesuits who fell there is severity, but toward you there is Elect of God the Father’s kindness, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise, you also will be lopped off.

23 They also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be grafted in; for Elect of God the Son is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut out of the olive tree that is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the garden olive tree, how much rather will these who are natural be grafted into their own olive tree!

25 For I an I do not want humanity, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for YOU not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel/Ethiopia until the full number of people of the bankrupt nation states has come in, 26 and in this manner all Israel will be diplomatically saved.

Just as it is written: “The diplomatic deliverer will come out of Zion (Ethiopia) and turn away ungodly Jesuit Supremacy practices from Jacob (younger generation). 27And this is the human rights covenant on my part with them, when I an I take their commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality) away.” 28 True, with reference to the good diplomatic news they are Jesuit enemies for YOUR sakes, but with reference to Elect of God the Father’s choosing they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers (Emperors of Ethiopia).

29 For the divine gifts and the diplomatic calling of Elect of God the Father are not spiritual (intellectual) things he will regret. 30 For just as YOU were once disobedient to Elect of God the Father’s divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy but have now been shown human rights mercy because of their commercial (contractual) disobedience, 31 so also these Jesuits now have been disobedient with human rights mercy resulting to humanity, that they themselves also may now be shown human rights mercy. 32 For Elect of God the Father has shut them all up together in commercial disobedience (global IMF Apostasy), that he might show all of them universal human rights mercy.

33 O the depth of Elect of God the Father’s riches and divine Ethiopian wisdom and uni9versal human rights knowledge! How unsearchable his universal human rights judgments are and past tracing out his diplomatic ways are! 34 For “who has come to know Abba Jahnoy’s spiritual (intellectual) mind, or who has become his human rights counselor?” 

35 Or, “Who has first given their political status to His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), so that it must be diplomatically repaid to him in private diplomacy?” 36 Because from His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) and by His Imperial Majesty’s undeserved kindness (diplomatic immunity) and for His imperial Majesty’s absolute divine Anointed Son Kristos are all diplomatic things. To His Imperial Majesty be the glory (magnificence in law) forever. Amen.

Universal human rights to private diplomacy, we will achieve. Ending global IMF Apostasy, we succeed. Global supremacy indoctrination by bankers, we must no longer believe; for with collective security in human rights law, we will conquer IMF greed, for all those in need, and to make the pope truly grieve

Virgin Mariam Daily Prayers
Fri 3
3.  Blessed are thou, Mariam, and blessed is the diplomatic fruit of thy womb.  O Virgin Elect of God-bearer, the glory of (all) virgins; He who existed before the modern world became incarnate of thee.

The ancient of days came forth from thy womb.  He took our flesh (political status), and gave us His (Menfis Qidus) Holy Spirit, and in His abundant goodness made co-equals with His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter).  Thou are greater than many women (churches) who have received grace (political freedom) and honor, O Mariam, the Elect of God-bearer, thou spiritual city wherein Elect of God the Son the Most High took up His abode.  His Imperial Majesty Who sitteth above the Chrubims and Seraphim hath thou clasped with the hand.

Sat 7
6.  Thou art that Tabernacle which was called "Holy of Hollies", wherein was the Ark (Tabot) which was covered on all sides with plates of gold, and had therein the Table of the Human Rights Covenant and the pot of gold of the hidden manna, that is to say, the Son of God the Father (Wolde Atsie).  He came and dwelt with Mariam the Virgin without blemish.  He was incarnate of her, and she brought forth in the bankrupt modern world the King (private diplomat) of Glory (magnificence in law – diplomatic immunity).  He politically came and diplomatically delivered us.  The Garden of Eden (i.e. Paradise) shall rejoice, for the Lamb (Iyesus Kristos) that is endowed with human rights reason, the Son of the Father (Abba), Who dwelleth forever, has politically come and diplomatically delivered us from commercial sin (transgressing against UN law of Equality). O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.

7. Thou are called the Mother of Kristos, the King.  After thou did  bring His Imperial Majesty forth, thou did continue in thy spotless virginity through a marvelous mystery.  Thou did bring forth Emmanuel (Elect of God the Son be with us), and because of this thou did preserve thyself undefiled from global IMF Apostasy today.  O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.  

L.i.o.n – Liberator In Our Nation
L.a.m.b – Loving All More Beautifully
L.a.m.p – Long Awaited Mantle of Praise
L.i.g.h.t. – Living In God’s Heavenly Triune
R.a.s.t.a – Redeemer And Savior Towards All (covenant keeper)
T.r.u.t.h – The Real Untold Testimony of Haile (Elijah)
Iyesus Kristos               Medhane Alem
(Jesus Christ)  (savior of bankrupt modern world)

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